My blog just spawned!

My blog just spawned!

With these words I just want to say "Hey!" and within that, I want to introduce myself to you as my readers. So in case you haven't noticed, my name is Daniel Uhlmann and I work as a system engineer/DevOps engineer. Some of our core technologies here are Ansible, Jenkins, Git or Docker for example. When I'm not at work and dealing with customer requests, I like to program my own projects at home or try to give something back to the OpenSource community. So I am interested in a wide range of topics, but I feel most comfortable in the web development thingy, like playing around with JavaScript (yes including frameworks), or try to get a grasp out of some technologies, which are more famous for the backend, such as PHP or MySQL.

I think you are a nice person, but what can I expect here?

Well, this question is a valid one. Hang on a second and I might tell you the secret you desire (yes I know, I'm a funny one). So if we leave all the jokes aside, I can tell you with a clear conscience that the main part of this blog is about technical topics. Of course, this also includes my personal knowledge gained over the time or interesting features of technologies.

That sounds like something I want to read about!

Wohoo! So I've achieved my primary goal. If you still don't know if this blog could become your favorite blog, I would recommend you to read the next 2-3 posts and decide afterward.